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Seen & Valued

The past couple of weeks, the daily tasks of homemaking have felt mundane, and a bit mind numbing.  There have been sicknesses to care for in our house, plans cancelled (including Bible study!) and watching others have fun while I sit at home.   

As I struggled with resentment over all I was doing and the lack of appreciation I was feeling, I was reminded ever so gently, by the Holy Spirit, of Who I was doing this for.  Doing the dishes, cleaning up the vomit, making another meal, was all seen and acknowledged by God.  He was and is the One who’s approval mattered.  He appreciates me and the work I was and am putting in for my family, and ALL of it mattered.  Even if I don’t receive the thanks and gratitude that I feel I deserve, that is NOT why I do it.  And if acknowledgement is not my goal, or expectation, my anger and resentment could dissolve.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”  Colossians 3:23-24 (ESV)

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)

Are you there with me?  Are you feeling like your work at home, or maybe school or the workplace, wherever that may be, is feeling un-exciting in this season?  You’re feeling overlooked or under-appreciated?  No you are not alone friend, and I am praying for you today.  Praise the Lord that our feelings are not the basis of our value.  Praise God that truth, and the truth of His word, are more powerful than our circumstances.  I am praying for you today friend, as I thank God for His care for us, the value He has placed on us created in His image, and the price He has paid for us on the cross.  May we continue to look to Him for our ultimate joy and fulfillment.  He sees and knows, and He cares for us, praise Him.

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