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Homeschool Curriculum 2024-Part 1

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Last week in my stories I shared our current homeschool curriculum, and I got lots of really fun questions and responses. In case you missed that, or just want a refresher, read below for part one of the two curriculums we are using.

The first curriculum we are doing is a FREE Bible based curriculum by Lamp & Light Living, called “It Is Well.”  You can find out more about it here. We are doing their preschool curriculum this year as Thaddeus turns 3 years old this month and for the most part that is the specific curriculum I share about below.

The preschool curriculum teaches one letter a week plus a review week to give you a 27 week curriculum. And you work on numbers 1-20 through this time as well.  There’s a simple daily routine that encourages scripture memory, Bible stories and book reading. Here’s what I love about this curriculum…

1- It’s Free

One of the amazing things about this curriculum is that it is free. When deciding to homeschool your family, cost is often a big consideration for many. When I share that we’re doing a free curriculum people are immediately intrigued.

2-It’s Ready to “Plug & Play”

Because the curriculum is a free download, the memory charts such as the Armor of God and worksheets are all included. It even has mid year and end of year assessments to do with your child with things like testing scissor skills.  Extra resources like flashcards and notebooking print outs for older kids are also available. Anything else you need like school supplies are written down for you in a list at the beginning of the curriculum, and many of these are things you already have at home, are very simple to make, or affordable small purchases from the grocery store, think play dough or salt.

3-It is beginner friendly.

Though not new to homeschooling, as both my husband and I were homeschooled at some point in our life, we are new to being the homeschool parenst. What I love about this curriculum is that the lesson plans are included. Each week is broken down into a morning routine with scripture memory, practicing the alphabet, counting, etc. and then it tells you what activity to do with your child, and which coloring or workbook pages to do. Options to make preschool 2 or 3 days a week are included.

4-It’s Faith Based

The whole curriculum is Bible based. Though each week incorporates a story or Biblical element such as the 10 commandments, it is more open ended where you can incorporate a children’s Bible you have at home, (some that we have and use are linked* below) talk about the story, or even simply read straight out of a regular adult Bible. It’s flexible for you to personalize as a family. As you get into the older grades the Bible informs the science and history elements as well.

5-Easy to supplement

If you’re like me and you like to include books that go along with the letter of the week, or activities and themes that match, the simple one letter a week rhythm makes this very doable. In my school year lesson plan I have adjusted a couple stories and planned for breaks around holidays.

In addition to this curriculum we are doing Letter Morning Baskets* by Harbor and Sprout to complement the letter we are learning each week. To read more about how we have utilized this resource check out my blog post “Homeschool Curriculum 2024-Part 2” coming soon.

As always, praying God’s blessing over you, and we wish you the best if you are also considering homeschooling for your family!

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